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  • Writer's pictureshhhh_angel96


Updated: Jul 18, 2020

you can't cure ur depression by renting a thousand dollar apartment in hollywood, drinking green juice and going to the gym and its so fucked that these youtubers are saying this to their subscribers and then geting MILLIONS of dollars in views from it. and getting praised for "opening up abuot mental health". Basically this person had a relaity tv show that showed them to be a rlly rude and obnoxious person who treats all the people trying to help her like shit. and then everyone was like um u suck and so ofc she turned around and released an hour long video about her mental health and how her childhood was bad and thats why she was acting like that. which like ok i undertsand that and i know reality tv shows twist things but take some accountability for ur actions. and then a cuople weeks later to say u cured ur mental health by moving to hollywood for a month and drinking juice and getting skinny. gross.

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oh yes that right I know who u are and of course its u I'm gonna get u, you better belivev that !!!!!!!


We're tracking ur IP address w the police rn so YOU should eb SCARED also my boyfriend will KILL u if u come round again im serious

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